What do I serve with grilled meats?
A quick and easy vegetable medley
Here in Wisconsin, we are pushing the season for grilling, but after a long winter, it’s time to start. Of course, one must choose the correct weather conditions. Grilling in the dark is not bad, but pouring rain or thunderstorms are unacceptable. If the weather is great, I usually change my dinner menu to include grilling.
Grilling adds a distinctive flavor to food, and honestly, it is good to be outside after being inside for so many months.
With gas grills, grilling is fast because it doesn't take long to heat the grill. With modern technology, even charcoal grills are fast, especially if you use an electric starter.
But, the best part of grilling is the easy cleanup. There are no roasting or broiler pans to wash. This is a timesaver in itself.
Grilling is perfect for a busy weeknight, but the question is what to serve with the grilled food. If possible, marinate the meat the night before or morning of. Use a recipe from iwannabeacook, such as an Asian marinade or Cuban marinade or simply use a spice mixture. Bring the meat to room temperature and turn the grill on.
While the grill is heating, it’s time to prepare a side dish. If you’ve done a little planning, you will have raw vegetables in your refrigerator—celery, bell peppers, zucchini. If you have an onion, then you are well on your way to creating a delicious vegetable medley. Be creative with the vegetables and spices you add.
Simply sliver the vegetables into 3 x 1/2 x 1/4" pieces. At this point, the grill should be ready. Add the meat to the grill and return to the kitchen to cook the vegetables, which will cook in less than 15 minutes. Finish cooking the meat, and dinner is served. Of course, you could add pasta, rice, or beans as a side dish.
When dinner is finished, there are only a few dishes and most will go into the dishwasher. So, cleanup is fast.
Many people think grilling is a lengthy and time-consuming process, but it doesn’t have to be. With practice, you will become comfortable with timing the food and not have to hover over the grill constantly.
The Sautéed vegetables with feta cheese recipe is a great side dish for any meal—grilled or roasted meats or as a side for Enchiladas. It’s quick, easy, and flexible.