When’s the last time you talked about lentils? For some of you, probably never. Most new cooks have probably neither cooked them nor even eaten them. Lentils are a legume low in fat and cholesterol and high in protein, fiber, and iron. Because lentils contain mostly slowly digestible starch (SDS), they may have benefits to diabetics. The protein to calorie ratio is high. I don’t believe in perfect foods, as in eat this food and you will live forever, but some foods are better for us than others, and lentils are in that category.
Lentils do not require soaking like dried beans, so they are pretty fast to prepare, depending on the type. Soaking can reduce the cooking time, but I don't bother. There are basically three different kinds of common lentils – brown, red, and green French Puy. It is important to know their differences.
Brown lentils are the most common and cheapest, costing about 12¢ an ounce in my supermarket. They are mild flavored with an earthy quality and cook in about 20 - 25 minutes. They hold together reasonably well unless overcooked. Serve these as a side dish or in a soup.
Red lentils are frequently used in Indian cooking. They cost me about 22¢ an ounce. Because these lentils fall apart when cooking, they should be used in soups or as a thickening agent. Cooking in only 15 - 20 minutes means they are perfect for a quick dinner. The color is a beautiful orange. The soup this week uses red lentils. See photo above.
Green Puy lentils are more expensive and cost me about 35¢ an ounce. Although they require 45 - 50 minutes to cook, they retain their shape and are perfect for a warm or cold lentil salad as well as in lentil soup.
If you haven’t cooked lentils before, give them a try. What about a poached or fried egg on top of mounded brown lentils? Or a green lentil salad with feta cheese, black olives, and cucumbers? Or even a stir fry using lentils instead of rice? Use your imagination.
More lentil recipes are under development, but let us know your favorite way to serve lentils.
As always, happy cooking and eating! Keep the suggestions coming!