The recipe on iwannabeacook generating the most interest is the Blackened tilapia. If you have access to a kitchen this recipe is perfect for a quick, healthy meal when served with rice or tortillas and a vegetable. Tilapia is cheap and readily available. I served this to my college sophomore over Thanksgiving break, and after absolutely stuffing himself he said that he would definitely make this in his apartment.
Since that recipe is so popular, I decided to make blackened shrimp. Shrimp can be frozen so you can pull them out on a night when you are busy. If the shrimp are stored in individual servings in plastic bags in the freezer, thawing them submerged in a bowl of cold water happens in twenty minutes. The rest of the ingredients should be in your pantry. To make it even easier, use a Cajun spice mixture instead of mixing the spices in the recipe. Serve this with tortillas, corn or flour, and a coleslaw either homemade or pre-packaged from the grocery. Drizzle Cotija sauce on the tacos for a gourmet touch.
The time between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day is always a busy time. Finals, end-of-year parties, school concerts, and religious events combine to make cooking and eating healthy difficult. This is one meal that is quick and easy, full of flavor, and low calorie.
Happy cooking and eating! Email with thoughts and suggestions!