This week was devoted to Kitchen equipment. Just like the Pantry ingredients it is hard to know what equipment you really need in your kitchen when you first start out. When I helped my son set up his first apartment kitchen, we left out some very important items like a vegetable peeler, storage containers, and a dish drainer. At least that mistake helped me to make this list for the iwannabeacook website so it will be easier for you. The page is divided into several sections based on the type of cooking you do. For example, if you cook Asian or Mexican foods there is a list of specialized equipment. There is also a section on equipment needed for baking. With more experience you will find things which you specifically need in order to make your cooking job easier.
On the cooking side of things, this week was devoted to salsa and potatoes. I just love to make new salsas. If you put the salsas in condiment bottles, then you can drizzle them over foods making your food look like they are from a professional kitchen. Look at this recipe to see what I mean. If you are looking for a new way to prepare new potatoes, try Salt and vinegar potatoes. These double-cooked potatoes are not only attractive, but they can be used in numerous situations.
Email with any thoughts or suggestions!