The start of the new year is an exciting time for some people and a frustrating time for others. For those who go to the gym all year, this can be a trying time because new people are present, which means your exercise class is more crowded, your favorite machine is taken by someone who doesn't know it's "your" machine at 8:17 each Tuesday morning, or the parking lot is just too full.
If this is an issue for you, please take a step back. We all want to be healthy. Some of us are able to stay motivated throughout the year, others aren’t. I suggest you reach out to these new people and make them feel welcome. Aren't we better off if we are all healthy?
No, the focus of iwannabeacook hasn't changed to exercise, but it is focused on fueling our bodies with healthy foods. That doesn't mean you can't eat your favorite foods; it just means making smart choices. If you have a large lunch, cut back a little at dinner. There's no need to skip that cookie, but there's no need to have it every day either.
At the new year, most people try to make changes, too many changes. Why not start with one change a month? Cut one restaurant meal out a week, cook three new recipes each week, or eat three vegetables every day. For some people, they are already doing these things. Use your imagination. Choose one cookbook, open it up, and plan to make that recipe during the week. Maybe you will love it, or not, but you are moving out of your comfort zone. If you make small changes monthly, it's easier for them to become lasting habits.
So when you see the new people at the gym, realize that they are out of their comfort zone and trying something new. This is a good thing.
iwannabeacook wants to help you break out of your comfort zone when it comes to eating and cooking and to create great life habits.
Happy cooking and eating! Email with thoughts and suggestions!